Persuasion Changes Mindset

Kaku Bhambhi lives in Mandiyani village. Her severe anaemia and apathy towards formal health system led her first pregnancy ending in a miscarriage. This time, soon after her pregnancy came in the notice of our VHW and ANM they got her immunised and conducted ANC. She had severe pain in seventh month as it was the case of premature delivery.

Our VHW and ANM suggested her in-laws to take her to our health centre or to any other hospital by they didn’t agree for a hospital delivery. Our ANM kept a close watch on Kaku’s health while VHW continued to persuade Kaku’s in-laws with the help of their other relatives in the village for a delivery in the hospital.

At last, they were able to convince them and Kaku was taken to our Health Centre. She delivered a healthy baby normally. The couple has also adopted contraceptives for spacing.