
SWERA was founded in 1995 by a group of youth from the villages of Srinagar block. Initially they functioned as a cultural group raising awareness on socio-economic issues in some 70 villages in Ajmer district, through folk media like skits and puppet shows. They found that this work was very effective in motivating the communities to get involved in social and community issues and this in turn prompted SWERA to promote and implement related schemes and activities.

SWERA therefore took up a Literacy Project in 1995 in 25 villages in Srinagar block. The area was at that time reeling under the effect of a series of droughts and responding to the needs of the people was the first priority. SWERA implemented a Food for Work Project in 6 villages in 1996. And in fact this type of work continued right up to 2005.

It was at this time that the first self help groups (SHGs) were also formed by women working on the project. The groups were formed at the initiative of the women rather than as a planned strategy on the part of SWERA. Two groups started in 1996 and this increased gradually over the next few years. In 1998 the first planned SHG project was undertaken and this has continued to date, with some ups and downs because of discontinuous outside support.

Registered as society under Rajsthan Society Registration Act, 1958, vide registration no. 54/AJM/1995

FCRA registration no. 125410032

Registered under Sections 12(A) and 80(G) of Income Tax Act, 1961

In 1997, SWERA undertook its first health programme in 50 villages. The health programme was very well received by the people and the scope and content of this work was extended over the years, to include a clinic supplemented by village level para-professionals for Traditional Birth Attendants and Village Health Workers. It also implemented the ECDC Balwadi scheme in its target villages.

In 2002, the Education programme reached out to child workers with an NFO project in 2004 SWERA began its first formal school.

At present, SWERA’s programme priorities are Health and Education. The NRM activities continue but have diminished with lessening need of the people. The SHG programme has still not taken a definite shape and structure and needs to be restructured and strengthened.